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As the holiday season approaches, it’s important to be aware of the increased threat of phishing attacks. Phishing is a type of cyber attack where criminals impersonate a trusted entity, such as a bank or online retailer, in order to steal sensitive information.

During the holidays, when people are often shopping online and sending sensitive information, phishing attacks can be particularly successful. Criminals may send fake emails or text messages that appear to be from a legitimate company, asking for personal or financial information. They may also create fake websites that look like a trusted retailer and ask for information when you make a purchase.

To protect yourself from phishing attacks during the holidays, there are a few key things you can do:

  • Be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages, even if they appear to be from a trusted company.
  • Don’t click on links or download attachments from unknown sources.
  • Don’t give out personal or financial information unless you are certain you are dealing with a legitimate company.
  • Check the website’s URL carefully before entering any information. Legitimate websites will usually have a URL that begins with “https” (the “s” stands for secure) and will have a padlock icon in the address bar.
  • Use a reputable antivirus program to protect your computer from malware.

By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to a phishing attack during the holiday season. Keep yourself and your information safe by being cautious and taking steps to protect yourself.